
2010 Orchid program

Issue and purpose:

To develop the bilateral scientific and technological exchanges between France and Taiwan Research institutions, and to promote new opportunities for cooperation, the Taiwan National Science Council (NSC) and French EGIDE association, established through the French Foreign Ministry the "Orchid Program". It offers to scientists in parallel countries the possibility to promote and bring together French and Taiwanese scientists in particular for the purpose of linking a common basis of research and younger researchers' exchanges program.

Both in France and Taiwan, Biomass Energy is a major energy issue, especially ways to replace liquid biofuels with the gradual depletion of fossil fuels in the next two to three decades. In addition, the demand of energy for transportation has shown in a rapid increase and become an important factor in the discussion of energy resources and sustainability on Earth.

Then, considered both as advanced high technology countries, France and Taiwan support a large number of researches for Agriculture and Future Biotechnologies, such as new Biofuels production. France and Taiwan have also a consensus of development for these related research studies, therefore considering Cooperation in Science, Policy or Economic aspects would be very valuable and fruitful.

The project is expected to actively promote and establish a platform to exchange innovative ideas. The platform functionality is expected to meet the following targets :

  1. Establish the cooperation research units between French and Taiwanese Industries, and promote Graduate students or PhD level research staff exchange program.
  2. Adjust the two countries environmental protection standards, and move towards the standard set by the Kyoto protocol. For example, establish a perfect Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and meet with UNFCCC Long-term Carbon Emission adjustments.
  3. To lead on to new directions for the Orchid Program and future related cooperation projects.
  4. France and Taiwan research workshop is able to set different research approaches, which could focus on facts such as Biomass energy and ways to reduced costs for affordability.
  5. This program could help to build the partnerships between both France and Taiwan, and enhance mutual complementarities and common development of laboratory capacity and human resources.

This program will be preceded by visits of the French National Scientific Research Centre of the University of Nantes (GEPEA), the Institute on Combustion Aerothermal Sciences, Reactivity and Environment (CNRS / ICARE), the National Institute of Applied Sciences (LISBP) in France and participation to European International Conference on Biomass Researches, Industries and Strategies, to start the Bilateral cooperation and help to prepare the International Conference on Sustainable Biomass by Tamkang University next November.

This project will gather the two teams by a tour visits of the Taiwanese team units and related fields researches in Taiwan, after the Conference and seek for future possible cooperation and exchanges between France and Taiwan teams .

Introduction of Orchid Workshop 2010 participants

Biofuel production and the fermentation process (Session 1)

Dr. Carole Molina-Jouve

-Professor, Laboratory for Biosystems and Chemical Engineering (LISBP), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Toulouse (France).
-Coordinator Orchid project in France

Dr. Shang-Shyng Yang

-Professor, Graduate School of Health Science and Technology, China University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification researches (session 3)

Dr. Iskender Gökalp

-Founder and Director of the CNRS - Institute on Combustion, Aerothermal sciences, Reactivity and Environment-ICARE, Orleans (France)

Dr. Hom-Ti Lee

-Deputy Director, New Energy Technologies Division, Energy & Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) (Taiwan)

Bioenergies from Algae ( session 5) :

Dr. Jack Legrand

-Professor, Chemical Engineering at the University of Nantes -Head of GEPEA (Process Engineering for Environment and Food) between CNRS, University of Nantes, ENITIAA and School of Mines of Nantes (France)

Dr. Yean-Chang Chen

-Associate Professor, Institute and Department of Aquaculture, National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan)

Dr. Jo-Shu CHANG

-Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Deputy Director, Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

Bio-energy Economy and Environmental issues ( Session 4)

Dr. Gérard Goma

-Professor, Laboratory for Biosystems and Chemical Engineering (LISBP), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Toulouse (France)

Dr. Yi-Mond Yuan

-Dr Ingenieur Agronome Agro-Paris tech, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of European Studies, TKU (Taiwan)
-Coordinator project for Orchid Workshop project 2010 in Taiwan.

These 4 sections has been completed with one more session on advanced technologies with ASEAN countries oral paper contributions :” Bioenergies and Sustainable Environement – Scientific Advanced Resarches” (session 2) , and two Roundtables ; “EU Bioenergies Strategies and Policies( session 6) ” and “ Sustainable polices for Renewable energies ( session 7) ” that will help to better understand and go further on regulations, subventions and researches orientation in both EU and Taiwan, before the Conclusion and perspective of future cooperation between the two teams.