淡江大學 九十五 學年度第二學期課程教學計畫表(格式二)



貳、授課老師:林欽明 [研究室:驚聲大樓T1111;電話:2621-56562170;傳真:2640-7587;網頁 http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922;教學平台 http://tsp.ec.tku.edu.tw/113922qpE-mail: 113922@mail.tku.edu.twOffice hours: 星期一 4:00-6:00; 星期二 10:00-12:00; 星期四 1:00-3:00 ]




















杜震華、盧信昌。2001世界經濟概論--東南亞篇。》台北:華泰文化。552.38 /8476 (TKU)

包爾斯,計葵生,黃偉權。2004.《亞洲銀行新未來》,2nd ed.。時報出版。562.93 /8735 (TKU)

劉碧珍、陳添枝、翁永和。2003國際貿易導論。》台北:雙葉書廊558 /8746 (TKU)

Radtke, Kurt W. and Maurianne Weisebron, eds. 2002. Competing for Integration: Japan, Europe, Latin America, and Their Strategic Partners. Armonk, NY and London: Sharpe. HC 125.C65157 2002 (TKU)

Rasiah, Rajah. 2004. Foreign Firms, Technological Capabilities and Economic Performance: Evidence from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar. HF 4055.R37 2004 (TKU)

Vellinga, Menno, ed. 2000. The Dialetics of Globalization: Regional Responses to World Economic Processes: Asia, Europe, and Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Boulder and Oxford: Westview Press. HF 1359.D493 2000 (TKU)


第一 發展中國家與全球化


Pangestu, Mari. 2002. "Industrial Policy and Developing Countries." Chapter 17 in Bernard M. Hoekman, Philip English, Aaditya Mattoo, eds., Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 149-59.(Bibliography)


Adams, F. Gerard and IngerMarie Davis. 1994. "The Role of Policy in Economic Development: The East Asian and the Latin American Experience." Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 8(1), May, 8-26.

Chia Siow Yue. 2001. "ASEAN in the Age of Globalization and Information." In Simon S.C. Tay, Jesus P. Estanislao and Hadi Soesastro, eds., Reinventing ASEAN. 2nd ed. (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 121-47. HC441 .R448 2001 (TKU)

Daquilla, Teofilo C. 2005. "Foreign Trade in Southeast Asia: Theories, Policies and AFTA." Chapter 6 in The Economies of Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand (New York: Nova Science Publishers), 123-45. HC441 .D36 2005

Hoekman, Bernard. 2002. "Strengthening the global trade architecture for development." Policy Research Working Paper 2757, World Bank (http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2002/02/16//000094946_02020504024229/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf).

Islam, Azizul. 1999. "Globalization and Development Revisited in the Light of Asian Experience." Asia-Pacific Development Journal. Vol. 6 (2). p 1-21. December.

Rajan, Ramkishen S. 2001. "Economic Globalization and Asia: Trade, Finance, and Taxation." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 18(1), April, 1-11.

 第二 貿易與成長


Neuhaus, Marco. 2005. "Opening Economies Succeed: More Trade Boosts Growth." Deutsche Bank Research, November 11 (http://www.dbresearch.com/PROD/DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD/PROD0000000000189232.pdf).


Bloch, Harry and Sam Hak Kan Tang. 2004. "Deep Determinants of Economic Growth: Institutions, Geography and Openness to Trade." Progress in Development Studies, 4(3), July, 245-55.

Chacholiades, Miltiades. 1990. "Growth and Trade." Chap. 6 in Miltiades Chacholiades, International Economics (New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.), 113-40.

Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1996. "Some Lessons from the East Asian Miracle." World Bank Research Observer, 11(2), August, 151-77. Reprinted in David B. Audretsch, ed., Industrial Policy and Competitive Advantage Vol. 1 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998), 129-55.(淡江館藏 HD 3611.I3863 1998



第三 貿易政策


Krugman, Paul R. and Maurice Obstfeld. 2000. "Trade Policy in Developing Countries." Chap. 10 in Paul R. Kurgman and Maurice Obstfeld, International Economics: Theory and Policy, 5th ed. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley), 254-74.


Bergsten, C. Fred. 2000. "The Next Trade Policy Battle." International Economics Policy Brief No. 00-1, Institute for International Economics, January.

IMF Staff. 2001. "Global Trade Liberalization and the Developing Countries." IMF Issue Brief, November (http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/ib/2001/110801.htm).

Toh Mun Heng and Tiew Chee Siang. 1999. "A Neoclassical Analysis of the ASEAN and East Asian Growth Experience." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 16(2), August, 149-65.

第四 產業發展與出口競爭


Etzkowitz, Henry; Brisolla, Sandra N. 1999. "Failure and Success: The Fate of Industrial Policy in Latin America and South East Asia." Research Policy, 28(4), April, 337-50.


Hiscox, Michael J. 2005. "The Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policies." In John Ravenhill, ed., Global Political Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 50-83 HF1359 .G56 2005 (TKU).

Hufbauer, Gary C. 1999. "The Trade and Investment Regime in the First Decade of the 21st Century." A paper for the Confederacao Nacional da Industria, "The Future of Industry at the Onset of the 21st Century ", Brasilia, 23-24 March (http://www.petersoninstitute.org/publications/papers/paper.cfm?ResearchID=341).

Rock, Michael T. 2003. "Selective Industrial Policy and Manufacturing Export Success in Thailand." In Jomo K.S., ed, Southeast Asia's Industrialization: Industrial Policy, Capabilities and Sustainability (Houndmills, Basinstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave), 263-82 (Bibliography). HC 441.S75 2001 (TKU)

Stiglitz, Joseph E. 1996. "Some Lessons from the East Asian Miracle." World Bank Research Observer, 11(2), August, 151-77. Reprinted in David B. Audretsch, ed., Industrial Policy and Competitive Advantage Vol. 1 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998), 129-55. HD 3611.I3863 1998 (TKU)


第五 對外投資與跨國企業


Bartels, Frank L. and Nick J. Freeman. 2000. "Multinational Firms and FDI in Southeast Asia: Post-Crisis Changes in the Manufacturing Sector." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 17(3), December, 324-41.


Banik, Arindam and Pradip Bhaumik. 2006. Private Capital Inflows to the Caribbean, China and India. Basingstoke: Palgrave

Dunning, John H. 2001. "Globalization and FDI in Asian Developing Countries." In Servaas Storm and C.W.M. Naastepad, eds., Globalization and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of J. George Waadenburg (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 206-36. HF1359 .G58177 2001 (TKU)

Fan, Xiaoqin and Paul M. Dickie. 2000. "The Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to Growth and Stability: A Post-Crisis ASEAN-5 Review." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 17(3), December, 312-23.


第六週 金融風暴與貿易演變


Daquila, Teofilo C. 1999. "Japan-Asia Economic Relations: Trade, Investment, and the Economic Crisis." East Asia: An International Quarterly, 17(3), Autumn, 88-115.


王淑卿。1998東亞貿易情勢演變與金融風暴影響評估。〉《經濟情勢暨評論》3(4)2月,84-106 (http://www.moea.gov.tw/~ecobook/season/sab16.htm).

朱家一。2000東亞金融風暴對我國產業發展及海外台商投資之啟示。〉《中國商銀月刊》(International Commercial Bank of China)19(10), 6-20

劉憶如,何佳。1999東亞十國:金融風暴前與後。》(Ten Asian Countries: Before and After the Financial Crisis)。商鼎財顧561.93 /8726 (TKU)

Grilli E. 2002. "The Asian Crisis: Trade Causes and Consequences." The World Economy, 25(2), February, 177-207.

Wu, Chunchi. 2000. "International Trade Relations and the Contagious Effects of the Asian Financial Crisis." Review of Pacific Financial Markets and Policies, 3(3), 367-99.


第七週 外人投資政策


Zhang, Kevin Honglin. 2001. "Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from East Asia and Latin America." Contemporary Economic Policy, 19(2), 175-85.


Bende-Nabende, Anthony. 1999. “FDI and Economic Growth in Host Developing Countries.” Chapter 5 in FDI, Regionalism, Government Policy and Endogenous Growth: A Comparative Study of the ASEAN-5 Economies, with Development Policy Implications for the Least Developed Countries (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate), 77-115.

thomsen, Stephen. 1999. "Southeast Asia: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment Policies in Development." Working Papers on International Investment, Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs, OECD.


第八週 金融重整與改革


Eichengreen, Barry. 2000. "Preventing a Recurrence of the Asian Crisis." Paper prepared for The APEC Forum on Shared Prosperity and Harmony, Seoul, 31 March.



包爾斯,計葵生,黃偉權。2004建立獲利思維:去蕪存菁。〉《亞洲銀行新未來》,版2,第1章。台北:時報出版。562.93 /8735 (TKU)

楊雅惠。1998亞洲金融風暴對我金融政策之挑戰。〉《政策月刊》,312月,頁18-19 (http://mail.tku.edu.tw/113922/DL/Yang1998.htm).

Laurence, Henry. 1999. "Financial System Reform and the Currency Crisis in East Asia." Asian Survey, 39(2), March/April, 348-73.

Perry, Guillermo E. and Daniel Lederman. 1998. Financial Vulnerability, Spillover Effects, and Contagion: Lessons from the Asian Crises for Latin America. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. HG 3252.P47 1998 (TKU)

Ritchie, John. 2004. "Accountability in the East Asian Economic Miracle, Crisis and Recovery." Competition and Change, 8(2), June, 91-104


第九週 區域整合


Hosono, Akio and Shoji Nishijima. 2002. "Regional Integration in Asia and Latin America." In Peter Drysdale and Kenichi Ishigaki, eds., East Asian Trade and Financial Integration: New Issues (Melbourne: Asia Pacific Press; distributed by International Specialized Book Services, Portland, Oreg.), 50-78. HF 3820.5.Z5E375 2002 (TKU)


侯真真。2001東協邁向自由貿區之展望。〉《東南 亞經貿投資研究季刊》,113月,頁1-12


Drake-Brockman, Jane and Peter Drysdale. 2002. "Regional Economic Integration in East Asia." Pacific Economic Papers No. 333, Asia acific School of Economics and Government, Australian National University (http://apseg.anu.edu.au/pdf/pep/pep-333.pdf).

Eng Chuan Ong (2003). "Anchor East Asian Free Trade in ASEAN." Washington Quarterly, 26(2), Spring, 57-72.

Fukagawa, Yukiko (2005). "East Asia's New Economic Integration Strategy: Moving beyond the FTA." Asia-Pacific Review, 12(2), November, 10-29.

IHT. 2002. "ASEAN Free Trade Area: Facilitating Growth." International Herald Tribune, January 31, Sponsored Section.

Mansfield, Edward D. and Jon C. Pevehouse. 2000. "Trade Blocs, Trade Flows, and International Conflict." International Organization, 54(4), Autumn, 775-808.

Monteagudo, Josefina and Masakazu Watanuki. 2001. "Regional Trade Agreements for MERCOSUR: The FTAA and the FTA with the European Union." Paper prepared for presentation at the Conference on Impacts of Trade Liberalization Agreements on Latin America and the Caribbean, October (http://www.cepii.fr/anglaisgraph/communications/pdf/2001/washington/monteagudowatanuki.pdf).

*Soesastro, Hadi. 2003. "An ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN+3: How Do They Fit Together?" Pacific Economic Papers No. 338, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, Australian National University (http://apseg.anu.edu.au/pdf/pep/pep-338.pdf).

Soloaga, Isidro and L. Alan Winters. 1999. "Regionalism in the 90s: What Effect on Trade?" World Bank Policy Issue Working Paper WPS 2156.

第十 服務貿易與投資


Nikomborirak, Deunden and Sherry M. Stephenson. 2001. "Liberalization of Trade in Services: East Asia and the Western Hemisphere." Paper for Trade Policy Forum, Bangkok, June 12-13 (http://www.pecc.org/trade/papers/bangkok-2001/deunden&stephenson.pdf).


Aguirre, Ernesto. 1996. "International Economic Integration and Trade in Financial Services: Analysis from a Latin American Perspective." Law and Policy in International Business, 27(4), 1057-72.

Martin, Will. 2006. "Trade in Services and the Doha Development Agenda." Presentation at the conference on Trade in Services: Global Trends and China's Position, October 10-12 (http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTRANETTRADE/Resources/WBI-Training/288464-1161888800183/S1a_Will_Martin.pdf).

WTO. 2001. "Assessment of Trade in Services: the Participation of Developing Countries." Statement received from the delegation of Argentina with the request that it be circulated to Members of the Council for Trade in Services (http://docsonline.wto.org:80/DDFDocuments/t/S/CSS/W44.doc).


第十一 區域貨幣整合


Rajan, Ramkishen. 2001. "Financial and Macroeconomic Co-operation in ASEAN: Issues and Policy Initiatives." In Mya Than, ed., ASEAN Beyond the Regional Crisis: Challenges and Initiatives (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 126-47.




楊之宜。2001從歐元看亞元--適通貨區域理論之應用(From EURO to ACU--The Application of the Theory of Optimum Currency Area) 〉《產業論壇》,2(2) 1月,頁1-11

Chang, Chang Li Lin, Ramkishen S. Rajan. 2001. "The Economics and Politics of Monetary Regionalism in Asia." CIES Discussion Paper 0107, March. Since published in ASEAN Economic Bulletin 18(1): 103-118, April 2001 (http://www.adelaide.edu.au/cies/papers/0107.pdf).

Goldberg, Linda S. and Michael W. Klein. 1997. "Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Real Exchange Rate Linkages in Southeast Asia and Latin America." NBER Working Paper 6344, December (http://www.nber.org/papers/w6344).

Lin, Chang Li and Ramkishen S. Rajan. 2001. "The Economics and Politics of Monetary Regionalism in Asia." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 18(1), April, 103-189.

Madhur, Srinivasa. 2002. "Costs and Benefits of a Common Currency for ASEAN." ERD Working Paper No. 12, Asian Development Bank, May (http://www.adb.org/Documents/ERD/Working_Papers/wp012.pdf).

第十二 WTO與全球貿易體系


Hoekman, Bernard. 2002. "Economic Development and the World Trade Organization after Doha." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2851, June (http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2002/07/09/000094946_02062104102343/Rendered/PDF/multi0page.pdf).


Anderson, Kym. 2001. "Globalization, WTO, and ASEAN." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 18(1), April, 12-23.

Anderson, Kym and Will Martin. 2005. "Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda." World Economy, 28(9), September, 1301-28.

Athukorala, Prema-chandra. 2002. "Asian Developing Countries and the Global Trading System for Agriculture, Textile and Clothing." In Ramesh Adhikari and Prema-chandra Athukorala, eds., Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond (Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar), 68-94. HF2580.9 .D48 2002 (TKU)

Centre for International Economics (CIE). 2002. "Opportunity of a Century to Liberalise Farm Trade." Report from the Centre for International Economics and Cordell Hull Institute (http://www.intecon.com.au/pdf/Opportunity%20of%20a%20century%20with%20cover.pdf).

Hufbauer, Gary C. 2000. "Global Trade: Has the WTO Lost Its Way?" Debate between Gary Hufbauer, Alan Tonelson and Lori Wallach, Moderated by Peter Morici at Columbia University, 9 February (http://www.iie.com/TESTMONY/gchwto2.htm).

Pomfret, Richard. 2001. "Reintegration of Formerly Centrally Planned Economies into the Global Trading System." ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 18(1), April, 35-47.

第十三 區域生產網絡


Legewie, Jochen. 2000. "Production Strategies of Japanese Firms: Building up a Regional Production Network." In Jochen Lebewie and Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, eds., Corporate Strategies for Southeast Asia After the Crisis: A Comparison of Multinational Firms from Japan and Europe (New York: Palgrave), 74-99.


Lindblad, J. Thomas. 1997. "Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in Historical Perspective." Asian Economic Journal, 11(1), 61-80.

Wong, Poh Kam and Annette A. Singh. 2000. "The Role of Foreign MNCs in the Technological Development of Singaporean Industries." In Jochen Lebewie and Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, eds., Corporate Strategies for Southeast Asia After the Crisis: A Comparison of Multinational Firms from Japan and Europe (New York: Palgrave), 40-56.

 第十四 未來展望


Barshefsky, Charlene. 1998. "Prepared Statement of Charlene Barshefsky United States Trade Representative before the House Appropriations Committee, Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary Subcommittee, Tuesday, March 31, 1998."  Federal News Service - Congressional Hearing Prepared Testimonies, New York, Mar 31, 1998 (http://global.umi.com:8000/pqdweb?RQT=395&SHtm=3&TS=894546216).


Dowling, Malcolm and David Ray. 2000. "The Structure and Composition of International Trade in Asia: Historical Trends and Future Prospects." Journal of Asian Economics, 11(3), Fall, 301-18.

The Integrated Express Industry. 2000. "Trends in ASEAN Trade."








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