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A Visualized Scenario Learning System for Children with High-Functioning Autism

Y. H. Chien, Y. L. Chu, C. H. Chou [Paper PDF]

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The aid assists autistic children in learning how to use daily living equipments or daily living skills with specific scenarios. Different to other software, caretakers of autistic children directly design learning targets on the corresponding space, e.g. bathroom or kitchen. When the autistic children select a specific space, this aid shows the possible learning targets. After they click on a learning target, then the corresponding videos or pictures are given. The developed aid links the specific space and its learning objective, thereby enhancing the autistic child’s learning outcome. Additionally, the software is free download in the iTune App Store, and the contents of software are displayed by Chinese. Users of this aid do not require any cost and a specific level of English ability to use it.

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[App Download] This Program is free download in the iTune App Store.

[Source Code Download]  This Program is developed on iOS Xcode, for iPad Device.

[Introduction Vedio] Introduction Vedio