高等鋪面分析與設計 授課教師:李英豪
開課班級 |
土木 研究所 博士班 |
必選修 |
選修 |
學分數 |
3學分 3 小時 |
先修科目 |
鋪面分析與設計 | |||||
教學內容 及進度 |
週次 |
月/日 |
內容 |
第一週 |
Functional Requirements and Performance | |||||||
第二週 |
Pioneer Pavement Analysis: Review, LTPP | |||||||
第三週 |
Pioneer Pavement Analysis: Plate vs. Layered Elastic Theory | |||||||
第四週 |
Numerical Methods of Pavement Analysis: Review | |||||||
第五週 |
Numerical Methods of Pavement Analysis: Finite Element Analysis | |||||||
第六週 |
Aircraft Traffic Considerations: Gear Configurations and Loads | |||||||
第七週 |
Aircraft Traffic Considerations: Pass to Coverage Ratio Concept | |||||||
第八週 |
Environmental and Geotechnical Considerations | |||||||
第九週 |
期中考試週 | |||||||
第十週 |
Design of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Systems: AASHTO Method | |||||||
第十一週 |
Design of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Systems: FAA Method | |||||||
第十二週 |
Design of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Systems: AI Method | |||||||
第十三週 |
Design of PCC Pavement Systems: FAA Method | |||||||
第十四週 |
Design of PCC Pavement Systems: PCA Method (TKUPAV) | |||||||
第十五週 |
Miscellaneous Considerations: ACN-PCN, Life Cycle Costing | |||||||
第十六週 |
Miscellaneous Considerations: Overlay Designs, Unified Approach | |||||||
第十七週 |
期末考試週 | |||||||
講授方式 |
n 課堂講授 n 分組討論 □參觀實習 □其他( ) |
教學設備 |
□電腦 n 投影機 □其他( ) | |||||||
教材課本 |
1. 課程講義;2. ERES Consultants, Inc., "Pavement Design, Principles and Practices," Training Course - Participant's Notebook, Vol. I and II, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Inc., September 1987. |
參考書籍 |
3. Huang, Y. H. (1993). Pavement Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall Inc. |
批改作業篇數 |
3~5篇 |
備 註 |
本欄位僅適用於所授課程需批改作業之課程教師填寫。 | |||||
成績考核方式 |
n 平時成績: 35 % n 期中成績: 20 % n 期末成績: 25 %□讀書報告: % n 其他(Design Project ): 20 % |
備考 |
網址:ftp.tku.edu.tw/tku-only/academic/教學計畫.doc。 2.自製格式請具備上述相關項目。 |