1 |
廖惠珠,1997,「國際知名能源供需預測與規劃模型檢析」,能源季刊,27:4,60-70。 |
2 |
廖惠珠、蘇君穗與林淑娟,1996,「我國石油與天然氣消費變遷之研究」,能源季刊,26:3,90-102。 |
3 |
廖惠珠,1996,「不同企業規模工資差異之解析」,國科會專題報告。 |
4 | 廖惠珠,1995,「異質勞動偏好下之最適工資與解聘契約」,台灣經濟學會年會論文集,1-14。 |
5 | 廖惠珠與朱雲鵬,1995,「最適公車匯率之探討」,運輸計畫季刊,23:2,177-194。 |
6 | 廖惠珠,1995,「女性主管,企業家勞動行為之分析」,國科會專題報告。 |
研討會論文 |
1 | Liao, Huei-chu and Chun-chieh Lu , 1998 ,“ The Impact of Population Ageing on Long-Term Energy Demand ,”t 21st IAEE Annual International Conference, Canadian. |
2 | sLiao, H., 1997 , "Overview of the Energy Modelling and Data Situations for the Industrial Sector in the APEC Member Economies,”APERC, Tokyo. |
3 | Liao, H., 1996, "World Energy Demand Transition: From the Industrial Sector to the Residential and Commercial Sectors ?" 19th IAEE Conference, Budapest, Hungary . |
4 | 廖惠珠,1995,「長期國際油價之預測」,中華民國能源經濟學會年會。 |
5 | Liao, H. and S. Lin, 1995, "Is Oil Price Unpredictable?" World Energy Council 16th Congress, Toyko, Japan. |
6 | Liao, H. and T. Cheng, 1995, "Data Inconsistency and the Estimation of Energy Model,”18th IAEE Conference, Washington D. C., USA. |