


Hu, Teng-yuan and C.E. Phelps, 1998,“Medical Variations and the Professional Standards Review Organizations-The Behavior of Cardiologists,”presented at the Twentieth Annual Australian Health Economics Society Conference.
2 Hu, Teng-yuan and C.E. Phelps, 1998, "Medical Variations and Professional Standards Review Organization -- Testing the Behavior of Cardiologists," 1998 Taipei International Statistical Symposium (forthcoming).
1 Hu, Teng-yuan, 1996, Essays on Cardiologists Behavior: Medical Variations, Impact of PSROS, and Response to PPS, UMI.
2 Hu, Teng-yuan﹐1998, "The Possible Influence of the Prospective Payment System on Hospital Admissions: Upcoding Heart Disease," Working Paper.
3 Hu, Teng-yuan, 1998, "A Negative Binomial Model for the Analysis of the Coronary Artery Disease in New York State," Working Paper.
4 Hu, Teng-yuan, 1998, "How Does More Information Make Heckman’s Two-step Estimator Worse Off?" Preliminary Working Paper.
5 Hu, Teng-yuan, 1998, "The Prospective Payment System and Hospital Admission Rates: Testing the DRG Creep on Heart Disease," Preliminary Working Paper.
6 許松根、鄭嘉慧與胡登淵,1998,產業別產出預測模型的建立。 (文稿)