1 |
Chen, H-C. and W.S. Neilson, 1998, "Pure-strategy Equilibria with Non-expected Utility Players," Theory and Decision, forthcoming. |
2 |
Chen, H-C. and W.S. Neilson, 1996, "The Stability of Alliances -- a Game Theoretical Model of Formation, Breakdown, and Deterrence." 國科會專題研究報告. |
研討會論文 |
1 | 陳和全,1998,「庫諾寡佔市場中容量限制下的水平整合分析」,第一屆海峽兩岸經貿學術研研討會。 |
2 | Chen, H-C, 1998, "On the Capacity Constraint in a Horizontal Merger," 73rd Annual WEA International Conference, Lake Tahoe. |
3 | Chen, H-C. and W.S. Neilson, 1998, "Solving Moral hazard Problems with a Walk-away Clause," 1998 ASSA Annual Meetings, Chicago. |
其他著作 |
1 | Chen, H-C., 1995, "The Roles of Downpayments, Interim Payments, and Penalty Clauses to the Breach in Contracts." Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, Texas A&M University. |
2 | Chen, H-C., 1998, "Can Up-front Payment to Contracts induce Efficiency?" |
3 | Chen, H-C. and W.S. Neilson, 1996, "Comparative Effects of Downpayments and Penalties on Alternative Rules of Contracts." |
4 | Chen, H-C., 1997, "Optimal Environmental Policy in an Oligopolistic Market." |