


P.-C. Li and Rose,1995,“Global Warming Policy and the Pennsylvania Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis,” Economic Systems Research, Vol.7, No.2,pp.151-171.




A. Rose, B. Stevens,, and P.-C. Li, 1994,“A Global Marketable Permits Approach to CO2 Mitigation: Implication for U.S. Energy Demand,”in E.C. van Ierland (ed.) International Environmental Economics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science.
4 P.-C. Li, A. Rose and B. Eduardo,1997, ”Construction of an Input-Output Income Distribution Matrix for the U.S.,”forth-coming in Geoffrey J.D. Hewings et al.(eds.) Understanding and Interpreting Economic Structure: Essays in Honor of K. Miyazawa, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
5 A. Rose and P.-C. Li,1997,” Interrelational Income Distribution Multipliers for the U.S.: An Application to Welfare Reform,” forth-coming in Geoffrey J.D. Hewings et al.(eds.) Understanding and Interpreting Economic structure: Essays in Honor of K. Miyazawa, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
1 李秉正與成之約,1996,貿易自由化與我國勞資關係立法政策之發展,“產業發展國際化與勞資關係學術研討會, 高雄國立中山大學。
2 P.-C. Li, A. Rose and B. Eduardo, 1996, ”Construction of an Input-Output Income Distribution Matrix for the U.S.,”Paper Presented at the 5th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Tokyo, Japan.
3 P.-C. Li, 1997, “ The Economic Impacts of Global Warming Mitigation Policy on the Taiwan Economy,”Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Regional Science Association, Hawaii, U.S.A..
4 李秉正與江奇晉,“ 空氣污染防制政策對我國經濟之影響,”中華民國區域科學學會年會, 國立台灣大學。
5 李秉正,1997,”貿易自由化對我國勞動市場的影響,” 加入世界貿易組織勞動市場因應策略研討會,國立台灣大學。