Shun-Fa Lee 
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Publication (學術著作)



Journal  (期刊論文)-(指已發表或已被接受者)

1. Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2012), “Intersectoral Spillovers, Relative Prices and Development Traps,” Review of Development Economics, forthcoming. (SSCI)

2.Shun-Fa Lee (2011), “Tariff, growth, and welfare,” Review of International Economics, 19, 260-276.(EconLit)

3. Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2009),” General fund financing, earmarking, economic stabilization and welfare,” Public Finance Review, 37(5), 507-538. (EconLit)

4. Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2009), “Two-sector Growth Models with Productive Public Goods: Equilibrium (In)determinacy,” Southern Economic Journal, 75(3), 639-662. (SSCI)

5. Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2007), “Congestible public goods and indeterminacy: A two-sector endogenous growth model,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(7), 2486-2518. (SSCI)


Monograph  (專書論文)

1. Chen, B.L., S.-F. Lee and K. Shimomura (2009). “Import Tariffs and growth in a model with habits in: Takashi Kamihigashi and Laixun Zhao (Eds.), International Trade and Economic Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 299-322.

2. Shun-Fa Lee, 2006, Fiscal Policies and Endogenous Fluctuations in a Growing Economy, 台大經研所博士論文

3. 李順發1999,資產替代、資本管制與利率平價,台大經研所碩士論文


English Conference Papers  (英文學術會議論文)

2011/06/24-25, Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2011), “Income Taxation versus Debt Finance: a
     comparison,” presented at the APEA Seventh annual conference in Pusan National University, Busan, Korea.

2009/11/28-29, Shun-Fa Lee (2009), “Government financings in a two-sector model with productive externality,” presented at the 8th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association, Center for National University Finance and Management, Tokyo, JAPAN

2009/3/13-14, Shun-Fa Lee (2009), “Government financings in a two-sector endogenous growth model,” presented at 2009 International Conference on Trade, Industrial and Regional Economics, Tamkang University

2008/12/13-14, Shun-Fa lee(2008), Tariff, growth and welfare,presented at APEA fourth annual conference in Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing

2008/7/14-15, Shun-Fa Lee (2008), “Import Tariff in a Two-Country Endogenous Growth Model with International Technology Spillover,” presented at 4th annual meeting of APTS  in the University of Sydney­, Australia

2006/12/21-22, Chen, Been-Lon, Shun-Fa Lee and Koji Shimomura (2006), “Import Tariffs and Growth in a Model with Habit,” presented at Workshop in Kobe University, Japan

2003/12/9-10, Hsu, C.-M., W.-C. Liu and S.-F. Lee (2003),”The Role of Financial Development in Economic Growth: The Experiences of Taiwan, Korea, and Japan,” presented at Asian Crisis V: New Challenges and Opportunities for the Post-Crisis Asia, Kangwon National University, Korea


Chinese Conference Papers  (中文學術會議論文)

2011/05/28, Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2011), “Income Taxation versus Debt Finance in
    an Endogenous Growth Model” 報告於2011 年產業、貿易與區域經濟學術研討會

2010/05/07, Been-Lon Chen and Shun-Fa Lee(2010), “Saving and Growth with Habit Formation in Leisure,” 報告於淡江大學產經系seminar

2008/10/09, Shun-Fa lee(2008), “Tariff, growth and welfare,” 報告於台大經濟系貨幣與總體seminar

2008/08/16, Shun-Fa lee(2008), “Tariff, growth and welfare,” 報告於新貿易理論研究群研討會

2007/06/30, Shun-Fa Lee (2007), “Externality implies inefficiency?” 報告於東吳經濟成長理論學術研討會

2007/05/17, Tsechien Hsu and Shun-Fa Lee (2007), “Export Subsidy, Growth and Welfare,” 報告於台大經濟系產業經濟seminar

2006/03/09, Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2006),” Earmarked taxes versus general fund financing: Implications for stabilization,” 報告於台大經濟系貨幣與總體seminar

2005/11/21, Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2005), “Indeterminacy in a two-sector growth model with intersectoral externality,” 報告於台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2005年聯合年會

2004/10/21, Chen, Been-Lon and Shun-Fa Lee (2004),”Congestion and Indeterminacy in a Two-sector Growth Model,” 報告於台大經濟系貨幣與總體 seminar