Dr. Ren Junn Hwang

Teaching Courses

Publication Lists

A. Refereed Papers

[1]Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Wu, T. C. "Cryptographic Key Assignment Scheme for Access Control in a Hierarchy," Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1992, pp. 243-247.

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[2]Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J. "Master Keys for an M3 Cryptoscheme,"  Cryptologia, Vol. XVII, No. 2, Apr. 1993, pp. 175-186.

[3]Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J. "An Efficient Cheater Identification Method for Threshold Scheme," IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 144, No. 1, Jan. 1997, pp. 23-27.

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[4]Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J. "Sharing Secret Images Using Shadow Codebooks," Information Sciences Applications: An International Journal, Vol. 111, 1998, pp. 335-345.

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[5]Chang, C. C., and Hwang, R. J. "A Simple Picture Hiding Scheme," Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol.12, No. 2, 1998, pp. 237-247.

[6]Hwang, R. J., and Chang, C. C. "An On-line Secret Sharing Scheme for Multi-secrets," Computer Communications, Vol. 21, No. 13, 1998, pp.1170-1176.

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[7]Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C. "An Improved Threshold Scheme Based on Modular Arithmetic," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 5, 1999, pp. 691-699.


[8]Hwang, R. J., Lee, W. B., and Chang, C. C. "A Concept of Designing Cheater Identification Methods for Secret Sharing," The Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 46, 1999, pp. 7-11.

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[9] Hwang, R. J. “A Digital Image Copyright Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2000, pp. 97-106

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[10]Hwang, R. J., and Chang, C. C. "Hiding a Picture in two Pictures," Optical Engineering. Vol.40, No..3, 2001, pp.342-351

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[11] Hwang, R. J., Shih, T. K., Kao, C. H. and Chang, T. M., Lossy Compression Tolerant Steganography,” The human Society and the Internet, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001, pp. 427-435.


[12] Hwang, R. J. and Chang, C. C., A Method For Sending Confidential Messages to a Group without Trusted Parties,” Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, LNCS 2745 Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003, pp. 375-381.


[13] Hwang, R. J. and Chang, R. C., “Key Agreement in Ad Hoc Network” Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, LNCS 2745 Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003, pp. 382-390.


[14] Hwang, R. J., Shih, T. K. and Kao, C. H., “A Lossy Compression Tolerant Data Hiding Method Based on JPEG and VQ, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 5, No.3, 2004, pp.171-178.


[15] Chang, C.C. and R. J. Hwang,”A New Scheme to protect Confidential Images,” Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2004. pp.221-232

[16] Hwang, R. J., Lai, C. H. and Su, F.F, “An efficient signcryption scheme with forward secrecy based on elliptic curve”, Accepted to be published at Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004F[SCI]


B. Conference Papers

[17]Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J. "A Strategy to Transform Public Key Cryptosystems to ID-Based Public Key Cryptosystems," Proceedings of IEEE International Canahan Conference on Security Technology, Oct. 1991, pp. 68-72.

[18]Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Wu, T. C. "A Cryptographic Key Management Scheme for Access Control in a Tree Structure," Proceedings of ICS '92, Dec. 1992, pp. 174-178.

[19]Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Hwang, S. J. "The Study of a Data Compression Scheme for English - Chinese Dictionaries," Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Chinese Information Processing, 1992, pp. 142-151.

[20]Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Buechrer, D. J. "Using Smart Card to Authenticate Passwords, Proceedings of 27th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Oct., 1993, pp. 19-21.

[21]Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Jan, J. K. "An Improvement to Single-Key Access Control Scheme," Proceedings of 4th Conference on Information Security, May 1994, pp. 81-87.

[22]Chang, C. C., Hwang, S. J., and Hwang, R. J. "A Digitized Signature Linkage Scheme," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Information Security, May 1996, pp. 48-54.

[23]Hwang, R. J. , and Chang, C. C. "The Security Analysis of Low-Computation Blind Signature Schemes Based on Quadratic Residues," Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Computer Systems Technology for Industrial Applications, Apr. 1997, pp. 221-225.

[24]Chang, C. C., Lin, T. H., and Hwang, R. J. "A Secure Group-oriented Secret Sharing Scheme," Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Computer Systems Technology for Industrial Applications, Apr. 1997, pp. 214-220.

[25]Hsieh, H. and Wang, J.Y., Hwang, R. J. and Yang, Y. "A Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Toral Automorphism and Spread Spectrum," Proceedings of the  fourth conference on computer and communications, Oct. 1998, pp.411-418.

[26] Wang, J. Y., Hwang, R. J. and Hsieh, H. H. “Partial Image Watermarking,” Proceedings of the forth Multimedia Technology and Applications Symposium, 1999, pp. 313-322.

[27] Hwang, R. J. and Chang T. M. “Loss-compression Tolerance for Information Hiding,” Proceedings of the eighth National Conference on Science and Technology of National Defense, 1999.

[28] Chang, C. C., Hwang, R. J., and Chen, T. S., “Using a Mouse as the Login Device for a Visual Cryptography Oriented Password Authentication Scheme,” Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Knowledge Systems Institute, Skokie USA, 2001, pp. 11-23.

[29] Hwang, R. J. Chang, R. J. and Chang T. M., “Digital Watermarking Based on Pixels Relationships,” Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking, Durham, North Carolina, USA, March 8-12, 2002

[30]Hwang, R. J., Kao, C. H. and Chang, R. C. “Watermark in Color Image,” Proceedings of 2002 International Symposium Cyber Worlds: Theory and Practices, Tokyo, Japan, 2002,pp.225-229.

[31]Hwang, R. J., and Kao, C. H., “The Improvement of Steganography Capacity,” Proceedings of The 9th International conference on Multi-Media Moding, Taiwan, 2002, pp.329-342.

[32] Hwang, R. J., Shiau, S. H., and Lai, C. H.Enhanced Authentication Key Agreement Protocol,” Proceedings of 21th IASTED International Multi-Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS, Austria, 2003.

[33] Hwang, R. J., Shiau, S. H., and Lai, C. H. “An Enhanced Authentication Key Exchange Protocol,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, China, 2003.

[34] Hwang, R. J., Jan, D. F. “A new mobile payment scheme with roaming services,”, Proceedings of 13th Conference on Information Security, 2003.

[35] Hwang, R. J., Su, F. F., L. S. Huang and Peng, J. K. “Implementing the RSA Algorithm on the TI TMS320C55X Family”, Proceedings of 37th Annual IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Oct., 2003, pp. 569-572.

[36] Hwang, R. J., Lai, C. H. and Peng, J. C. “Cryptanalysis of publicly verifiable authenticated encryption” Proceedings of 2003 National Conference on Computer Science

[37] Wang, Y. H., Hwang, R. J. and Wang, W. N.,“An Agent-Based Consumer Recommendation Mechanism” Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications, Japan, 2004

[38] Hwang, R. J., and Chang, C. C. “Enhancing the Efficiency of (v, r, n)-Fairness Secret Sharing Scheme,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Japan, 2004,

[39] Chang, C. C. and Hwang, R. J. “A New Scheme to Protect Confidential Images”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Japan, 2004

[40] Shiau, S. H., Hwang, R. J. and Lin, M. F., Key Agreement Protocol Based on Weil Pairing”, Accepted to be presented at AINA 2005

[41] Hwang, R. J., Su, F. F.,Yeh, Y. S. and Chen, C. Y. “An Efficient Decryption Method for RSA Cryptosystem”, Accepted to be presented at AINA 2005

C. Book

[42] Chang, C. C., Huang, Y. P., Shih, T. K., and Hwang, R. J. “Future Multimedia Databases and Research Directions,” Distributed Multimedia Databases: Techniques and Applications, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey USA, 2002.