









(中) 美洲研究所






1(上學期)   2(下學期) v3(第3學期)












1.     培育通曉美洲事務之研究人才。

2.     培育從事涉及美洲事務之專業人才。

3.     訓練學生具備基本英語或西班牙語之應用能力。






A.  培養學生具備基本學術研究能力。

B.  培養學生理解基本國際關係理論。

C.  培養學生具備獨立思考及判斷能力。

D.  培養學生具備拉丁美洲文化社會之研究能力。

E.   培養學生具備拉丁美洲法政之研究能力。

F.   培養學生具備拉丁美洲經貿之研究能力。

G.  培養學生具備基本西語溝通與西文寫作能力


 課程簡介 (50~100

(中)  性別議題在拉丁美洲社經發展裡極為關鍵,諸如勞動力結構、家庭活動、社會制度,乃至於跨國的人力移動,都與性別脫離不了關係。同時,兩性問題是許多其他社會問題的起點,有了相當的認識,也就很容易進入其他的相關領域。本課程即針對與區域發展相關的性別議題,做一重點的探討,一方面讓學生能有較深刻的了解,另一方面也希望能幫助學生跨入其他社經領域。


(英) Gender related issues such labor structure, family activities, social institutions, and cross-border migration are very crucial for studying socio-economic development in many areas. Gender related problems are, in many occasions, the beginning of other social problems so that it would be much easier to get into many issues if we are familiar with gender issues in the first place. This course will explore several gender issues related to countries’ or region’s development to help students understand relevant development questions more deeply on one hand, and to help them cross over into other socio-economic aspects on the other.













1.  學生能夠了解性別與發展的基本概念

Students can grasp the concept of gender and development




2.  學生能夠體會拉丁美洲的女性地位

Students can understand women’s status in Latin America




3.  學生能夠解析性別相關之發展問題

Students can scrutinize gender related Development issues


























授 課 進 度 表






第一部分 制度:機會與阻礙





Reddock, Rhoda (2000). "Why Gender? Why Development?" Chap. 2 in Jane L. Parpart, M. Patricia Connelly, and V. Eudine Barriteau, eds., Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development (IDRC).

Momsen, Janet Henshall (2003). "Introduction: Gender Is a Development Issue." Chap. 1 in Gender and Development, 2nd ed. (London: Routledge), 1-19. HQ 1240.5.D44M657 2004 (TKU).

Giron, Alicia (2006). "Macroeconomia, desarrollo y genero." (Macroeconomics, Development and Gender.) Revista de Economia Institucional, 8(15), 2nd Semester, 207-25.


Avin, Rose-Marie (2006). "Engendering Development: A Critique." In Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).

Baden, Sally and Anne Marie Goetz. 1998. "Who Needs [Sex] When You Can Have [Gender]? Conflicting Discussions on Gender at Beijing." In Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson, eds., Feminist Vision of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy (London: Routledge), 19-38. Reprinted in L. Beneria and S. Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development, Vol. 1 (Elgar, 2001), 518-37. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU).

Barton, Carol (2005). "Integrating Feminist Agendas: Gender Justice and Economic Justice." Development, 48(4), December, 75-84 (esp. Some Recent History, 76-77).

EDPA (1996). Gender and Development. The CEDPA Training Manual Series, Volume III, The Centre for Development and Population Activities (http://www.cedpa.org/files/737_file_gender_english_all.pdf).

Heyzer, Noeleen (No date). "A Women's Development Agenda for the 21st Century: UNIFEM's Commitment to the World's Women." UNIFEM.

Jaquette, Jane S. and Kathleen Staudt (2006). "Institutional Opportunities and Barriers: Women, Gender, and Development." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

Kerr, Joanna and Caroline Sweetman, eds. (2003). Gender and Development: Women Reinventing Globalisation. Gender and Development, 11(1), May, (http://www.awid.org/publications/gen_dev/gender_development.zip).

Kinf, Elizabeth M. and Andrew D. Mason (2001). "Endendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice." A World Bank Research Report, January (http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2001/03/01/000094946_01020805393496/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf).





Eudine Barriteau, V. (2006). "Engendering Development or Gender Main-streaming? A Critical Assessment from the Commonwealth Caribbean." Chap. 12 in Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).

AWID (2004). "Gender Mainstreaming: Can it Work for Women's Rights?" Spotlight, Number 3, November (http://www.wwda.org.au/genmainstream1.pdf).

Mehra, Rekha and Geeta Rao Gupta (2008). "Gender Mainstreaming: Making It Happen." In Mayra Buvini, Andrew R. Morrison, A. Waafas Ofosu-Amaah and Mirja Sjoblom, eds., Equality for Women: Where Do We Stand on Millennium Development Goal 3? (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 311-35 (http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTGENDER/Resources/EqualityforWomenfinal.pdf).


Carbert, Anne (2004). "Learning from Experience: Activist Reflections on 'Insider-Outsider' Strategies." Spotlight, Number 4, December (http://www.awid.org/publications/OccasionalPapers/spotlight4_en.pdf).

Correia, Maria and Ian Bannon (2006). "Men's Issues in Development." Chap. 1 in The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 1-28 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558) HQ 1090.7.D44O84 2006 (TKU, ebook).

Correia, Maria C. and Ian Bannon (2006). Gender and Its Discontents: Moving to Men-Streaming Development. In Maria C. Correia and Ian Bannon, eds., The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 245-60.

Prugl, Elisabeth and Audrey Lustgarten (2006). "Mainstreaming Gender in International Organizations." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

World Bank (2003). "Implementation of the Gender Mainstreaming Strategy: First Annual Monitoring Report, FY02, Vol. 1 of 1." World Bank Annual Report (http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2003/05/19/000160016_20030519161831/Rendered/PDF/255751Imp1Gend10Str11rev0R200310071.pdf).

World bank (2006). "Implementing the Banks Gender Mainstreaming Strategy: Annual Monitoring Report for FY04 and FY05." Gender and Development Group, PREM, January 11 (http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTGENDER/Resources/FY04_FY05Report.pdf).





Barker, Gary (2006). "Growing up Poor and Male in the Americas: Reflections from Research and Practice with Young Men in Low-Income Communities in Rio de Janeiro." Chap. 6 in The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 111-36 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558). HQ 1090.7.D44O84 2006 (TKU, ebook).

Viáfara López, Carlos Augusto y Fernando Urrea Giraldo (2006). "Efectos de la raza y el género en el logro educativo y estatus socio-ocupacional para tres ciudades colombianas.” (Race and Gender Effects in the Educational Achievement and Social-Occupational Status for Three Colombian Cities.) Desarrollo y Sociedad, 58, 2nd Semester, 115-63

Chant, Sylvia (2007). "Gender, Generation and Poverty in Costa Rica." Chap. 6 in Gender, Generation and Poverty: Exploring the 'Feminisation of Poverty' in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar), 263-330 (Bibliography). HQ 1240.5.D44C533 2007 (TKU).

Sassen, Saskia (2007). Countergeographies of Globalization: The Feminization of Survival.In Linda E. Lucas, ed., Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield), 21-34.


Afshar, Haleh (2000). "Gendering the Millennium: Globalising Women." Development in Practice, 10(3&4), August, 527-34.

Beneria, Lourdes and Gita Sen (1982). "Class and Gender Inequalities and Women's Role in Economic Development: Theoretical and Practical Implications." Feminist Studies, 8(1), Spring, 157-76. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 1 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 14-33. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU).

Buvinic, Mayra (1997). "Women in Poverty: A New Global Underclass." Foreign Policy, Fall, 38-53.

Chant, Sylvia (2006). "Re-thinking the 'Feminization of Poverty' in Relation to Aggregate Gender Indices." Journal of Human Development, 7(2), July, 201-20.

Chant, Sylvia (2007). "The Feminisation of Poverty in the Global South: Assertions, Agendas and Evidence." Chap. 3 in Gender, Generation and Poverty: Exploring the 'Feminisation of Poverty' in Africa, Asia and Latin America (Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar) (Bibliography). HQ 1240.5.D44C533 2007 (TKU).

Chant, Sylvia (2006). "Contributions of a Gender Perspective to the Analysis of Poverty." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

ILO (1995). "The Feminization of Poverty." http://www.ilo.org/public/english/235press/pkits/women3.htm.

Jackson, Cecile. 1998. "Rescuing Gender from the Poverty Trap." In Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson, eds., Feminist Vision of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy (London: Routledge), 39-64. Reprinted in L. Beneria and S. Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development, Vol. 2 (Elgar, 2001), 113-38. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)

World Bank. Development Research Group/ Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (2000). "Enhancing Development Through Attention to Gender." Washington, D.C.: World Bank.





Castano Collado, Cecilia; Juan Martin Fernandez y Susana Vazquez Cupeiro (2008). "La e-inclusion y el bienestar social: Une perspectiva de genero." Economia Industrial, 2008, iss. 367, pp. 139-52 (http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=2559066&orden=197016&info=link).        

Chong, Alberto and Hugo Nopo (2008). "The Mystery of Discrimination in Latin America." Economia: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, 8(2), Spring, 79-107, 112-15.

Villanueva, Margaret A. (2002). “Racialization and the Latina Experience: Economic Implications.” Feminist Economics, 8(2), July, 145-61 (http://tsp.ec.tku.edu.tw/QuickPlace/113922qp/Main.nsf/$defaultview/D8DFA1645761A2214825743200386440/$File/Villannueva2002.pdf?OpenElement).


Correia, Maria and Ian Bannon (2006). "Men's Gender Relations, Identity, and Work-Family Balance in Latin America." Chap. 2 in The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 29-42 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558). HQ 1090.7.D44O84 2006 (TKU, ebook).

Correia, Maria and Ian Bannon (2006). "Masculinity and Violence in Colombia: Deconstructing the Conventional Way of Becoming a Man." Chap. 5 in The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 93-110 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558). HQ 1090.7.D44O84 2006 (TKU, ebook).

Hewitson, Gillian (2003). “Domestic Labor and Gender Identity: Are All Women Carers?” Chap. 17 in Drucilla Barker and Edith Kuiper, eds., Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics (London: Routledge), 266-83. HQ 1381 .T69 2003 (TKU)

Mohammed, Patricia (2003). "Like Sugar in Coffee: Third Wave Feminism and the Caribbean." Social and Economic Studies, 52(3), September, 5-30.

Richardson, Mary (1993). "Fear of Success and Gender-Role Stereotyping." Social and Economic Studies, 42(2-3), June-September, 153-74.

Tiano, S. and C. Ladino (1999). "Dating, Mating, and Motherhood: Identity Construction among Mexican Maquila Workers." Environment and Planning A, 31(2), February, 305-25.




第二部分 生活與資源掌控





Tunon Pablos, Esperanza. (2007). The Empowerment of Women and Productive Backyard Projects in Mexico. In Linda E. Lucas, ed., Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield), 215-23 (http://www.google.com/books?hl=zh-TW&lr=&id=WGirrl38TnUC&oi=fnd&pg=PA3&dq=+%22Lucas%22+%22Unpacking+globalization:+markets,+gender,+and+work%22&ots=njV0VBAE1S&sig=QBGCRwAeZ-rGI5p0PqOLFakO80w#v=onepage&q=&f=false).

Correia, Maria and Ian Bannon (2006). "The Role of Men in Families in the Caribbean: A Historical Perspective." Chap. 4 in The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 73-92 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558). HQ 1090.7.D44O84 2006 (TKU, ebook).

Arriagada, Irma (2006). "Changes and Inequality in Latin American Families." Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(4), Autumn, 511-37.


Agarwal, Bina (1997). "’Bargaining’ and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household." Feminist Economics, 3(1), March, 1-51.

Correia, Maria and Ian Bannon (2006). "Mens Participation as Fathers in Latin America and the Caribbean: Critical Literature Review and Policy Options." Chap. 3 in The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 43-72 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=687558). HQ 1090.7.D44O84 2006 (TKU, ebook).

Deshmukh-Ranadive, Joy (2005). "Gender, Power, and Empowerment: An Analysis of Household and Family Dynamics." Chap. 5 in Deepa Narayan, ed., Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 103-22 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=1093859). HN 981.C6M45 2005 (TKU ebook).

Smith, Kirk R. (2006). "Women's Work: The Kitchen Kills More than the Sword." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

Williams, Joan (2001). “How Domesticity’s Gender Wars Take on Elements of Class and Race Conflict.” Chap. 5 in Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do About It (New York: Oxford University Press), 145-76. HD 4904.25.W55 2001 (TKU).





Mendoza Cota, Jorge Eduardo y Karina Jazmin Garcia Bermudez (2009). "Discriminacion salarial por género en Mexico.Problemas del Desarrollo, 40(156), January-March, 77-99.

Seguino, Stephanie (2006). "Taking Gender Differences in Bargaining Power Seriously: Equity, Labor Standards, and Living Wages." Chap. 7 in Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).

Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina (2005). "Work Contracts and Earnings Inequality: The Case of Chile." Journal of Development Studies, 41(4), May, 589-616.

Fernández, María del Pilar (2006). "Determinantes del diferencial salarial por género en Colombia, 1997-2003.” (Determinants of the Gender Wage Gap in Colombia, 1997-2003.) Desarrollo y Sociedad, 58, 2nd Semester, 165-208.


Amarante, Verónica y Alma Espino (2004). "La segregación ocupacional de género y las diferencias en las remuneraciones de los asalariados privados. Uruguay, 1990-2000." Desarrollo Economico, 44(173), April-June, 109-29.

Arriagada, Irma. 1994. "Changes in the Urban Female Labour Market." CEPAL Review, 53, August, 91-110. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 299-318. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)

Bednarek, Lucy B. (1998). "The Gender Wage Gap: Searching for Equality in a Global Economy." Indiana Global Legal Studies Journal, 6(1), Fall (http://www.law.indiana.edu/glsj/vol6/no1/bednarek.html).

Cacopardo, Maria Cristina y Alicia M. Maguid (2003). "Migrantes limitrofes y desigualdad de genero en el mercado laboral del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires." Desarrollo Economico, 43(170), July-September, 265-86.

ILO (1995). "Women and the World of Work: The Social Costs of Progress." http://www.ilo.org/public/english/235press/pkits/women1.htm

ILO (1995). "Remuneration for Women’s Work: A Curious Paradox." http://www.ilo.org/public/english/235press/pkits/women2.htm.

Kopinak, Kathryn (1995). "Gender as a Vehicle for the Subordination of Women Maquiladora Workers on Mexico." Latin American Perspectives, 22(1), Winter, 30-48.

Mehra, Rekha and Sarah Gammage (1999). "Trends, Countertrends, and Gaps in Women's Employment." World Development, 27(3), March, 533-50..

Snyder, Margaret. (2007). “Gender, the Economy and the Workplace: Issues for the Women's Movement. In Linda E. Lucas, ed., Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield), 11-20.

Tran, Angie Ngoc (2001). "Global Subcontracting and Women Workers in Comparative Pespective." In Claes Brundenius and John Weeks, eds., Globalization and Third World Socialism: Cuba and Vietnam (Bastingstoke: Palgrave), 217-36. HC 152.5.G55 2001 (TKU).





Moser, Caroline (2005). "Peace, Conflict, and Empowerment: The Colombian Case." Chap. 11 in Deepa Narayan, ed., Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 247-66 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=1093859). HN 981.C6M45 2005 (TKU ebook).

Barrig, Maruja (2006). "What is Justice? Indigenous Women in Andean Development Projects." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

Cruz Zamorano, Alma Rosa (2004). "Diferencias de genero en la educacion y el mercado laboral de Mexico." (Gender Differences in Mexican Education and Labor Market.) Comercio Exterior, 54(2), February, 168-74.


Hirschmann, David (2006). "From 'Home Economics' to 'Microfinance': Gender Rhetoric and Bureaucratic Resistance." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

Long, Carolyn M. (2006). "An Assessment of Efforts to Promote Gender Equality at the World Bank." In Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).

Lucas, Linda E. (2007). “Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender and Work.” In Linda E. Lucas, ed., Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield), 3-10.

Malhotra, Anju and Sidney Ruth Schuler (2005). "Women's Empowerment as a Variable in International Development." Chap. 3 in Deepa Narayan, ed., Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 71-88 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=1093859). HN 981.C6M45 2005 (TKU ebook).

Navarshimhan, Sakuntala (2006). "Comment: Rhetoric and Realities." In Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).

Schoenpflug, Karin (2006). "Comment: World Bank Discourse and World Bank Policy in Engendering Development." Chap. 8 in Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).

Tzannatos, Zafiris (2006). "The World Bank, Development, Adjustment, and Gender Equality." In Edith Kuiper and Drucilla K. Barker, eds. Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (London: Routledge). HQ 1381.F462 2006 (TKU).








Hite, Amy Bellone and Jocelyn S. Viterna (2005). "Gendering Class in Latin America: How Women Effect and Experience Change in the Class Structure." Latin American Research Review, 40(2), 50-82.

Pedrero Nieto, Mercedes (2004). "Sabia virtud de conocer el tiempo. El uso del tiempo en funcion del genero: Analisis comparativo entre Mexico y Europa.” (Wise Virtue to Know Time: Time Use by Gender: A Comparative Analysis between Mexico and Europe.) Revista de Economia Mundial, iss. 10-11, 77-101.

McCarty, Adam (2001). "The Social Impact of the Reform Process." In Claes Brundenius and John Weeks, eds., Globalization and Third World Socialism: Cuba and Vietnam (Bastingstoke: Palgrave), 237-54. HC 152.5.G55 2001 (TKU)


Elson, Diane and Nilufer Cagatay (2000). "The Social Content of Macroeconomic Policies." World Development, 28(7), July, 1347-64.

Lind, Amy (1997). "Gender, Development and Urban Social Change: Women's Community Action in Global Cities." World Development, 25(8), August, 1205-23. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 542-60. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)

Safa, Helen I. (1995). "Economic Restructuring and Gender Subordination." Latin American Perspectives, 22(2), Spring, 32-50.








Petesch, patti, Catalina Smulovitz and Michael Walton (2005). "Evaluating Empowerment: A Framework with Cases from Latin America." Chap. 2 in Deepa Narayan, ed., Measuring Empowerment: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: World Bank), 39-68 (http://info.lib.tku.edu.tw/ebook/redirect.asp?bibid=1093859). HN 981.C6M45 2005 (TKU ebook).

Mayer Foulkes, David y Gabriela Cordourier Real (2001). "La brecha salarial y la teoría de igualdad de oportunidades: Un estudio de género para el caso mexicano." El Trimestre Economico, 68(1), January-March, 71-107

Cueva Beteta, Hanny (2006). "What is Missing in Measures of Women Empowerment?" Journal of Human Development, 7(2), July, 221-41.


Bardhan, Kalpana and Stephan Klasen. 1999. "UNDP's Gender-Related Indices: A Critical Review." World Development, 27(6), June, 985-1010. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 1 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 192-217. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU).

Beneria, Lourdes. 1999. "The Enduring Debate over Unpaid Labour." International Labour Review, 138(3), 287-309. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 1 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 249-71. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)

Budlender, Debbie (2001). "Review of Gender Budget Initiatives." Community Agency for Social Enquiry (http://www.internationalbudget.org/resources/library/GenderBudget.pdf#search=%22gender%20budget%22).

Chant, Sylvia (2006). "Re-thinking the 'Feminization of Poverty' in Relation to Aggregate Gender Indices." Journal of Human Development, 7(2), July, 201-20.

Klasen, Stephan (2006). "UNDP's Gender-related Measures: Some Conceptual Problems and Possible Solutions." Journal of Human Development, 7(2), July, 243-74.

Standing, Guy. 1999. "Global Feminization Through Flexible Labor: A Theme Revisited." World Development, 27(3), March, 583-602. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 319-38. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)





第三部分 女性移動與權力





FAO-Dimitra/CTA (2006). "Rural Women, Dynamisation of Networks and the Fight against HIV/AIDS in Rural Areas." FAO-Dimitra/CTA Workshop, June 2005, Dimitra Newsletter Special Edition (http://www.fao.org/hivaids/publications/DIMITRA_Atelier05_EN.pdf).

Warner, F. R. (2007). "Social Support and Distress among Q'eqchi' Refugee Women in Maya Tecun, Mexico." Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 21(2), June, 193-217.

Puig, Andrea; Jose A. Pagan, and Beth J. Soldo (2006). "Envejecimiento, salud y economia: La Encuesta Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en Mexico." El Trimestre Economico, 73(2), April-June, 407-18.


Bennett, Vivienne (1995). "Gender, Class, and Water: Women and Politics of Water Service in Monterrey, Mexico." Latin American Perspectives, 22(2), Spring, 76-99.

Capoor, Indu (2005). "Square Pegs in Round Holes: Redefining Public-Private Partnership."Development, 48(4), December, 137-42 (see esp. Gender-Sensitivity in Health Services, 140-41).

Harris, Colette and Ines Smyth (2001). "The Reproductive Health of Refugees: Lessons Beyond ICPD." Gender & Development, 9(2), July, 10-21.

Shah, Iqbal H. and Lale Say (2007). "Maternal Mortality and Maternity Care from 1990 to 2005: Uneven but Important Gains.Reproductive Health Matters, 15(30), November, 17-27.



Questions for discussion:

In what ways does poverty lead to environmental degradation? What types of environmental problems do poor women and poor men share? What are some differences in the conditions they face?








Boyd, Monica (2006). "Women in International Migration: The Context of Exit and Entry for Empowerment and Exploitation." High-level panel on "The Gender Dimensions of International Migration", New York, 2 March (http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/csw50/statements/CSW%20HLP%20Monica%20Boyd.pdf).

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Questions for discussion:

What are the strategies for NGOs in advocating womens health and reproductive rights? What are the ideologies behind those advocacies?



婦女組織與賦權 (Week Thirteen. Women’s Organizations and Empowerment)


Friedman, Elisabeth Jay (2005). "The Reality of Virtual Reality: The Internet and Gender Equality Advocacy in Latin America." Latin American Politics & Society, 47(3), Fall, 1-34

Mayer, Doe, Barbara Pillsbury, and Muadi Mukenge (2006). "T-Shirts to Web Links: Women Connect! Communications Capacity-Building with Women's NGOs." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press), 240-67 (Bibliography). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

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Miraftab, Faranak (2006). "On Loan from Home: Women's Participation in Formulating Human Settlements Policies." In Jane Jaquette and Gale Summerfield, eds., Women and Gender Equity in Development Theory and Practice: Institutions, Resources, and Mobilization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). HQ 1240.W6514 2006 (TKU).

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▓電腦   ▓投影機   □其他(        )





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World Bank (2000). "Countries That Reduce Gender Gaps Have Less Corruption and Faster Growth, says New World Bank Study." News Release No: 2000/381/S, June 1 (Washington, D.C.: World Bank).




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