












1(上學期)   2(下學期)3(第3學期)



















G-1.第二外語能力:學生必須通過主要東南亞各國國語 (包括越南語、泰國語、印尼語、馬來語、達加洛語、緬甸語等)、日語等其他亞洲語言或法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、荷蘭語等主要歐洲語言基本能力。評定的標準為一般考試的初級,或是修過相關語言大學部課程一年並取得平均 70 分以上之成績者。



 課程簡介 (50~100

(中)本課程主要在探討全球化進展下,東南亞各國政府在扮演市場中介的角色方面,會有哪些考量及變革。本課程的要點為:1. 全球化趨勢下政府角色的轉變,2. 利益團體如何透過政府以增進自身權益,3. 政府管制措施的內容與轉變,4. 新經濟對政府政策的衝擊


(英)The course concerns how governments in Southeast Asian countries , playing intermediary roles in markets, engage in transformation process under the impact of globalization. The main focuses are i) transformation of government roles, ii) how interest groups benefited from relations with governments, iii) context and changes in government regulations, and iv) new economy’s impact on government policies.









1.    瞭解政府的經濟功能

1.    Understanding economic functions of the government



2.    分析政府管制政策的內容與影響

2.    Analyzing the context and impact of government regulation policies































1.  議題分析



2.  實證研究





















授 課 進 度 表





丘昌泰 (1999)政府與市場:從行政科學典範變遷論「小而能政府」的建立。〉《行政暨政策學報》110月,35-87

陳恆鈞 (1997)政治經濟學的核心問題: 國家與市場關係之探討。〉《中山人文社會科學期刊》,5(3)=1312月,19-46

Aoki, Masahiko, Kevin Murdock and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, eds. (1998). "Beyond The East Asian Miracle: Introducing the Market-Enhancing View." In Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, eds., The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 1-37. HC 460.5.R65 1998 (TKU)




第一部份  公共領域的





Malhotra, Kamal (2002). "Development Enabler or Disabler? The Role of the State in Southeast Asia." In C. J. W.-L. Wee, ed., Local Cultures and the "New Asia": The State, Culture, and Capitalism in Southeast Asia (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 31-50. HC441 .L63 2002 (TKU).

Mukherji, Partha Nath (2005). "Nation-state Reformulated: Interrogating Received Wisdom." Chap. 10 in Riaz Hassan, ed., Local and Global: Social Transformation in Southeast Asia: Essays in Honour of Professor Syed Hussein Alatas (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 181-92. HN 690.8.A8L63 2005 (TKU)

曾雪如 (1994)東亞經濟奇蹟--政府扮演的角色。〉《自由中國之工業》,81(6)6月,頁27-32


陳文賢 (1997)政府在政治經濟發展中所扮演的角色:新加坡與馬來西亞之比較。〉《東南亞季刊》,2(3)736-51

陸民仁 (2000)市場機能與政府干預平議。〉《華信金融季刊》,1212月,頁11-24

謝京 (2004)論現代社會中政治與經濟之互動關係。〉《華人經濟研究》,2(1)3月,頁57-69

Azfar, Omar and Charles A. Cadwell (2003). "Market-Augmenting Government: How, Why, and When States Support Markets." In Omar Azfar and Charles A. Cadwell, eds., Market-Augmenting Government: The Institutional Foundations for Prosperity (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press), 1-24. HD 75.M277 2003 (TKU)

Belli, Pedro (1995). "The Comparative Advantage of Government: A Review." World Bank Working Paper WPS 1834.

Bhalla, A.S. (2001). "Theories of Market and Government Failures." Chap 2 in Market or Government Failures? An Asian Perspective (Bastingstoke: Palgrave), 24-44. HB 808.B48 2001(TKU)

Drache, Daniel (2001). "The Return of the Public Domain after the Triumph of Markets: Revisiting the Most Basic of Fundamentals." In Daniel Drache, ed., The Market or the Public Domain? Global Governance and the Asymmetry of Power (London and New York: Routledge), 37-71. HF 1411.M354 2001 (TKU)

Rasiah, Rajah and Ishak Shari (2001). "Market, Government and Malaysia's New Economic Policy." Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25(1), January, 57-78.

Rodan, Garry (2002). "Do Markets Need Transparency? The Pivotal Cases of Singapore and Malaysia." New Political Economy, 7(1), 23-47.

Rodan, Garry, Kevin Hewison and Richard Robison (2006). "Theorising Markets in South-East Asia: Power and Contestation." In Garry Rodan, Kevin Hewison and Richard Robison, eds., The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Markets, Power and Contestation. Third edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 1-38. HC441 .P645 2006 (TKU)

Tham Seong Chee. 2005. "Values and Development: Some Reflections." Chap. 12 in Riaz Hassan, ed., Local and Global: Social Transformation in Southeast Asia: Essays in Honour of Professor Syed Hussein Alatas (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 219-35. HN 690.8.A8L63 2005 (TKU)(指定參考)

Wade, Robert (2004). "Introduction to the 2003 Paperback Edition: Creating Capitalisms." In Robert Wade, Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialisation (Princeton: Princeton University Press), xiii-liv. HD3616 .E182W33 2004 (TKU)






Alauddin, Mohammad (2002). "Environmentalising Economic Development: A South East Asian Perspective.” Discussion Paper No 299, School of Economics, The University of Queensland.

Wu Min Aun, Jesse. 2003. "Prosperity as a Price: Regulation of Organized Labour in Malaysia." Chap. 11 in Christoph Antons and Kiki Kennedy-Day, eds., Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia (Curzon Press), 289-313. KNC 738.L387 2003 (TKU)

Fabella, Paul V. and rafaelita M. Albaba (2004). "The Regulatory Environment of the Energy Industry in the Philippines." In Paul Cook, Colin Kirkpatrick, Martin Minogue and David Parker, eds., Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development (Cheltenham, UK: Ellgar), 382-402. HD3616 .D452L43 2004 (TKU)


Guasch, J. Luis and Robert W. Hahn (1997). "The Costs and Benefits of Regulation: Implications for Developing Countries." World Bank Working Paper WPS 1773, June (http://www.worldbank.org/html/dec/Publications/Workpapers/WPS1700series/wps1773/wps1773.pdf).

Jayasuriya, Kanishka (2000). "Authoritarian Liberalism, Governance and the Emergence of the Regulatory State in Post-Crisis East Asia." In Richard Robison, Mark Beeson, Kanishka Jayasuriya and Hyuk-Rae Kim, eds., Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis (London: Routledge), 315-30(Bibliography). HB3816.5 .P65 2000 (TKU)

Weidenbaum, Murray L (1995). "The Rationale for Regulation.” Chapter 2 in Murray L. Weidenbaum, Business and Government in the Global Marketplace. 5th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall), 24-52. HD3616 .U47W368 1995 (TKU)





Benjamin, Geoffrey (2005)."Consciousness and Polity in Southeast Asia: The Long View." Chap. 14 in Riaz Hassan, ed., Local and Global: Social Transformation in Southeast Asia: Essays in Honour of Professor Syed Hussein Alatas (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 261-89. HN 690.8.A8L63 2005 (TKU)

Krongkaew, Medhi (2000). "The Economics of Institutional Change: Making Economic Policy in Thailand." In Colin Barlow, ed., Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 85-102. HC 441.I57 2000 (TKU) (References).

Yasuda, Nobuyuki. 2003. "Law and Development from the Southeast Asian Perspective: Methodology, History, and Paradigm Change." Chap. 2 in Christoph Antons and Kiki Kennedy-Day, eds., Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia (Curzon Press), 25-67. KNC 738.L387 2003 (TKU)



佐藤百合 (2001)。〈インドネシアの経済危機と体制変革〉。末廣 昭.山影 編,《アジア政治経済論》(東京都:NTT出版),53-88552.3 /8725.2 (TKU)

鳥居 (2001)。〈マレーシアの開発戦略と政治変動〉。末廣 昭.山影 編,《アジア政治経済論》(東京都:NTT出版),127-55552.3 /8725.2 (TKU)

茂樹 (2001)。〈タイの制度改革と経済再建〉。末廣 昭.山影 編,《アジア政治経済論》(東京都:NTT出版),157-93552.3 /8725.2 (TKU)

Acharya, Amitav (1999). "Realism, Institutionalism, and the Asian Economic Crisis." Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International & Strategic Affairs, 21(1), April, 1-29.

Carter, Connie. 2003. "The Clonability of the Singapore Model of Law and Development: The Case of Suzhou, China." Chap. 10 in Christoph Antons and Kiki Kennedy-Day, eds., Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia (Curzon Press), 271-86. KNC 738.L387 2003 (TKU)

Manning, Chris (2000). "Labour

 Institutions: The Case of Indonesia.

” In Colin Barlow, ed., Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 42-54. HC 441.I57 2000 (TKU) (References).

Mantzavinos, Chrysostomos (2000). "An Application: Institutions, Markets, and Economic Development." Chapter 12 in Individuals, Institutions, and Market (Cambridge University Press), 227-56. HB 99.5.M36 2001 (TKU)

Robison, Richard and Vedi Hadiz. 2004. Reorganising Power in Indonesia: The Politics in an Age of Markets. Routledge. HC 447.R56 2004 (TKU)

Weidenbaum, Murray L (1995). “Promoting Global Competitiveness." Chapter 12 in Murray L. Weidenbaum, Business and Government in the Global Marketplace. 5th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall), 283-306. HD3616 .U47W368 1995 (TKU).

Yoshimatsu, Hidetaka (2000). "State-Market Relations in East Asia and Institution-Building in the Asia-Pacific." East Asia: An International Quarterly, 18(1), Spring, 5-33.





Beeson, Mark (2000). "Mahathir and the Markets: Globalisation and the Pursuit of Economic Autonomy in Malaysia." Pacific Affairs, 73(3), Fall, 335-51.

Bello, Walden (2000). "The Philippines: The Making of a Neo-Classical Strategy." Chap. 13 in Richard Robison, Mark Beeson and Kanishka Jayasuriya, eds., Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis (London: Routledge), 238-57(Bibliography). HB 3816.5.P65 2000 (TKU)

Hewison, Kevin (2000). "Thailand's Capitalism before and after the Economic Crisis." Chap. 11 in Richard Robison, Mark Beeson and Kanishka Jayasuriya, eds., Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis (London: Routledge), 192-211 (Bibliography). HB 3816.5.P65 2000 (TKU)

Worthington, Ross (2003). "The Government in the Market: Government Linked Corporations and Boards." Chap. 5 in Governance in Singapore (New York: RoutledgeCurzon), 172-219.


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陳政雄。1995。〈東亞型的經濟發展--洲際比較探討: 東亞、拉丁美洲、非洲。〉《臺灣經濟金融月刊》,31(2),期3612月,頁19-23



Doner, Richard F. (1991). "Approaches to the Politics of Economic Growth in Southeast Asia." Journal of Asian Studies, 50(4), November, 818-49. Reprinted in John Ravenhill, ed., Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995), 127-58. HC441 .S57 1995 v.1 (TKU).

Hawes, Gary and Hong Liu (1993). "Explaining the Dynamics of the Southeast Asian Political Economy: State, Society, and the Search for Economic Growth." World Politics, 45, July, 629-60. Reprinted in John Ravenhill, ed., Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995), 127-58. HC441 .S57 1995 v.1 (TKU).

Khondker, Habibul Haque (1999). "From Development to Post-Development: Market, State and Everything Else." Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 27(2), 163-71.

Koo Boo Teik (2000). "Economic Nationalism and Its Discontent: Malaysian Political Economy after July 1997." Chap. 12 in Richard Robison, Mark Beeson and Kanishka Jayasuriya, eds., Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis (London: Routledge), 212-37(Bibliography). HB 3816.5.P65 2000 (TKU)

Liddle, R. William (1991). "The Relative Autonomy of the Third World Politician: Soeharto and Indonesian Economic Development in Comparative Perspective." International Studies Quarterly, 35(4), December, 403-27. Reprinted in John Ravenhill, ed., Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995), 434-58. HC441 .S57 1995 v.1 (TKU)

Robison, Richard and Andrew Rosser (2000). "Surviving the Meltdown: Liberal Reform and Political Oligarchy in Indonesia." Chap. 10 in Richard Robison, Mark Beeson and Kanishka Jayasuriya, eds., Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis (London: Routledge), 171-91(Bibliography). HB 3816.5.P65 2000 (TKU)

Weiss, Linda and John M. Hobson (2000). "State Power and Economic Strength Revisited: What's So Special about the Asian Crisis?" Chap. 4 in Richard Robison, Mark Beeson and Kanishka Jayasuriya, eds., Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis (London: Routledge), 53-74(Bibliography). HB 3816.5.P65 2000 (TKU)

Woo-Cumings, Meredith (1998). "The Political Economy of Growth in East Asia: A Perspective on the State, Market, and Ideology." In Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, eds., The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 323-41. HC460.5 .R65 1998 (TKU)

Woo-Cumings, Meredith (1997).〈東アジアにおける成長の政治経済学国家,市場,イデオロギーの概観〉。青木昌彥、金瀅基、奧野(藤原)正寬,主編,《東アジアの経済発展と政府の役割》(東京:日本経済新聞社),355-75552/.3 /8475-1 (TKU)



第二部分  公私部門的互動





Hadiz, Vedi R. and Richard Robison (2006). "Neo-liberal Reforms and Illiberal Consolidations: The Indonesian Paradox." In Kevin Hewison and Richard Robson, eds., East Asia and the Trials of Neo-liberalism (London: Routledge), 24-45. HC 412.E37 2006 (TKU).

Todoc, Jesse L. (2006). "Power Sector Deregulation and the Environment: Evidence from the Philippines and Thailand." Chap. 7 in Ramesh, M. and Michael Howlett, eds., Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 124-50. HD 3616.A773D47 2006 (TKU)

Xun Wu and Priyambudi Sulistiyanto. (2006)."Independent Power Producers in Indonesia and the Philippines." Chap. 6 in Ramesh, M. and Michael Howlett, eds., Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 109-23. HD 3616.A773D47 2006 (TKU)



蘇永欽 (1997). 〈自由化、解除管制與公平交易法。〉《中山人文社會科學期刊》,5(3)=1312月,19-46

蘇永欽 (1997). 〈自由化、解除管制與公平交易法。〉《月旦法學》223月,15-21


Agrawal, Nisha (2002). "The Impact of Deregulation on Employment and Earnings." In Farrukh Iqbal and William E. James, eds., Deregulation and Development in Indonesia (Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood, Praeger), 107-13. HD 3616.I53D44 2002 (TKU).

Fane, George (1996). "Deregulation in Indonesia: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back." Agenda, 3(3), 341-50.

Hahn, Robert W. (1999). "Regulatory Reform: Assessing the Government's Numbers." Working Paper 99-6, AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, July.

Iqbal, Farrukh (2002). "The Impact of Deregulation on the Manufacturing Sector." In Farrukh Iqbal and William E. James, eds., Deregulation and Development in Indonesia (Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood, Praeger), 91-105. HD 3616.I53D44 2002 (TKU).

Iqbal, Farrukh and Faham Rashid (2002). "Deregulation and Development in Indonesia: An Introductory Overview." In Farrukh Iqbal and William E. James, eds., Deregulation and Development in Indonesia (Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood, Praeger), 1-23. HD 3616.I53D44 2002 (TKU)

Janow, Merit E. (1998). "Policy Approaches to Economic Deregulation and Regulatory Reform." In Rong-I Wu and Yun-Peng Chu, eds., Business, Markets and Governments in the Asia Pacific (London: Routledge), 209-36. HD3616 .A772 1998 (TKU)

McLeod, Ross H. (1999). "Control and Competition: Banking Deregulation and Re-regulation in Indonesia." Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 4(2), 258-97. Reprinted in Hal Hill, ed., The Economic Development of Southeast Asia, Volume IV (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2002), 264-303. HC 441 .E265 2002 v.4 (TKU)

Naidu, G. (1998). “Power Sector Reform in Malaysia: Privatisation and Regulation." Chap. 13 in Rong-I Wu and Yun-Peng Chu, eds., Business, Markets and Governments in the Asia Pacific (London: Routledge), 277-99. HD3616 .A772 1998 (TKU)

Soesastro, Hadi (2000). "Government and Deregulation in Indonesia." In Colin Barlow, ed., Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 105-17. HC 441.I57 2000 (TKU) (References).

Tan Wooi Syn (2004). "The Political Economy of Privatization in Malaysia." In Paul Cook, Colin Kirkpatrick, Martin Minogue and David Parker, eds., Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development (Cheltenham, UK: Ellgar), 358-81. HD3616 .D452L43 2004 (TKU).

Thiraphong Vikitset (1998). "Liberalisation and Privatisation of the Thai Power Sector: Issues and Perspectives." Chap. 14 in Rong-I Wu and Yun-Peng Chu, eds., Business, Markets and Governments in the Asia Pacific (London: Routledge), 300-21. HD3616 .A772 1998 (TKU)

Weidenbaum, Murray L (1995). "Economic Deregulation." Chapter 8 in Murray L. Weidenbaum, Business and Government in the Global Marketplace. 5th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall), 173-200. HD3616 .U47W368 1995 (TKU).

Yang Su-Chin, Tracy (2000). "Regulatory Reforms in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Preliminary Study." Visiting Researchers Series No. 12 (2000), ISEAS, May.





Jomo K.S. and Edmund Terence Gomez (1998). "Rents and Development in Multiethnic Malaysia." In Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, eds., The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 342-72. HC 460.5.R65 1998 (TKU).

Khan, Mushtaq H. (2000). "Rents, Efficiency and Growth." In Mushtaq H. Khan and Jomo K.S., eds., Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 21-69. HB 401.R46 2000 (TKU)


Bernard, Mitchell (1996). "States, Social Forces, and Regions in Historical Time: Toward a Critical Political Economy of Eastern Asia." Third World Quarterly, 17(4), December, 649-65.

Jomo K.S. and Edmund Terence Gomez1997。〈多人種国ムレシアにおけるレントと開発。〉青木昌彥、金瀅基、奧野(藤原)正寬,主編,《東アジアの経済発展と政府の役割》(東京:日本経済新聞社),377-408552/.3 /8475-1 (TKU)

Noland, Marcus (2000). "Economic Interests, Values, and Policies." Paper presented to the National Intelligence Council, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, conference on East Asia and the United States: Current Status and 5-Year Outlook, 17 February (http://www.iie.com/publications/papers/paper.cfm?ResearchID=370).








Barlow, Colin (2000). "Institutions of Change in Rural Development: Mediating Markets for New Crop Technologies in Sumatra." In Colin Barlow, ed., Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 25-41. HC 441.I57 2000 (TKU) (References)

Blakeney, Michael (2003). "The Legal Regulation of Technology Transfer: Arrangements within ASEAN." Chap. 12 in Christoph Antons and Kiki Kennedy-Day, eds., Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia (Curzon Press), 314-34. KNC 738.L387 2003 (TKU)



Felker, Greg (1999). "Malaysia's Innovation System: Actors, Interests and Governance." In Jomo K. S. and Greg Felker, eds.,Technology, Competitiveness and the State: Malaysia's Industrial Technology Policies (London and New York: Routledge), 98-147. T 27.M4T43 1999 (TKU)

Kim, Hyung-Ki and Jun Ma (1998). "The Role of Government in Acquiring Technological Capability: The Case of the Petrochemical Industry in East Asia." In Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara, eds., The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 101-33. HC460.5 .R65 1998 (TKU)

Konstadakopulos, Dimitrios (2004). "Technological Innovation Policies in the EU and ASEAN Economies." Chapter 2 in Learning for Innovation in the Global Knowledge Economy: A European and South-East Asian Perspective (Bristol, U.K. and Portland, Oreg.: Intellect Books), 23-51. HD 58.82.K66 2004 (TKU)

Lall, Sanjaya (1996). "Technology Development Policies: Lessons from Asia." Chapte 3 in Sanjaya Lall, Learning from the Asian Tigers: Studies in Technology and Industrial Policy (New York: St. Martin's Press; London: Macmillan Press), 59-106. HD3616 .A773L35 1996 (TKU).

Lall, Sanjaya (1998). "Technological Innovation Policies in the EU and ASEAN Economies." Chapter 2 in Learning for Innovation in the Global Knowledge Economy: A European and South-East Asian Perspective (Bristol, U.K. and Portland, Oreg.: Intellect Books), 23-51. HD 58.82.K66 2004 (TKU)

Lall, Sanjaya (1996). "Malaysia: Industrial Success and the Role of Government." Chapte 6 in Sanjaya Lall, Learning from the Asian Tigers: Studies in Technology and Industrial Policy (New York: St. Martin's Press; London: Macmillan Press), 148-65. HD3616 .A773L35 1996 (TKU).

Lall, Sanjaya (1999). "Technology Policy and Competitiveness in Malaysia." In Jomo K. S. and Greg Felker, eds.,Technology, Competitiveness and the State: Malaysia's Industrial Technology Policies (London and New York: Routledge), 148-79. T 27.M4T43 1999 (TKU)

Tham Siew-Yean and Mahani Zaibal-Abidin (2000). "Industrial Institutions: The Case of Malaysia." In Colin Barlow, ed., Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 55-71. HC 441.I57 2000 (TKU) (References) .

Wade, Robert (2004). "States, Markets, and Industrial Policy." Chap. 1 in Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization. Princeton: Princeton University Press), 8-33. HD 3616.E182W33 2004 (TKU) (Read also Chaps. 9-11)

Wong Poh Kam (1999). "Technological Capability Development by Firms from East Asian NIEs: Possible Lessons for Malaysia." In Jomo K. S. and Greg Felker, eds.,Technology, Competitiveness and the State: Malaysia's Industrial Technology Policies (London and New York: Routledge), 53-64. T 27.M4T43 1999 (TKU)

Zysman, John and Eileen Doherty (1995). "The Evolving Role of the State in Asian Industrialization." BRIE Working Paper 84, November (http://brie.berkeley.edu/publications/WP%2084.pdf).








Wu Xun (2005). “Political Institutions and Corporate Governance Reforms in Southeast Asia.” Chap. 2 in Ho Khai Leong, ed., Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics and Regulations (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies), 16-37. HC 460.5.C258 2000 (TKU)

Milhaupt, Curtis (2008). "Introduction: The (Uneven, Incomplete, and Unpredictable) Transformation of Corporate Governance in East Asia." Chap. 1 in Curtis Milhaupt, ed., Transforming Corporate Governance in East Asia (Abingdon: Routledge), 1-11.

Suthiphand Chirathivat (1999). "Strengthening Domestic Financial Markets and Corporate Governance: Thailand's Experience." Paper prepared for the international conference on "Responding to Financial Crises: Challenges for Domestic Policies and International Comparison," Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, March 22-23.


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蘇瑞祥 謝百傑 (1999)。〈市場機制與政府再造:金融危機衝擊下海峽兩岸再造策略之比較研究。〉《人力發展》,678月,42-52

Ho Khai Leong, ed. (2005). Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics and Regulations (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies), Chaps. 2-16. HC 460.5.C258 2000 (TKU)

Flowers, Edward B., Thomas P. Chen and Jonchi Shyu, eds. (1999). Interlocking Global Business Systems: The Restructuring of Industries, Economies and Capital Markets. Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood, Quorum Books. HF 1379.I56 1999 (TKU)

Le Goulven, Katell (2000). "Performance of Market in a Context of Liberalisation: The Hog Industry in Northern Vietnam." Chap. 6 in Aad van Tilburg, Henk A.J. Molli and Arie Kuyven-Hoven, eds., Agricultural Markets beyond Liberalization (Kluwer Academic), 115-31. HD 9000.5.A3595 2000 (TKU)

Mackie, Jamie (2000). "Entrepreneurship and Institutions: The Southeast Asian Experience." In Colin Barlow, ed., Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 72-84. HC 441.I57 2000 (TKU) (References)

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第三部分  政府管制的反思





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