So Important About the WTO?
0020 GMT, 990707
China continues to campaign for admission into the World Trade
Organization, despite the fact that the open market that membership would
demand would likely generate short term instability, in turn scaring off the
investment and trade that WTO membership is supposed to attract. So why is Zhu Rongji so committed to WTO membership? Because the process
of seeking membership allows him to retain control of China's
economic agenda and, with every preliminary bilateral trade agreement, to
incrementally reform the Chinese economy. This explains the desire of some in China to
present China's WTO difficulties as merely a matter of political persecution by
Western economies, as well as the rumors that Zhu may be sacked over the
failure of China to win membership. If hard liners can either torpedo the WTO bid or
gain China membership in the organization without submitting to necessary
market reforms, they will have retaken control of China's
economic agenda.
China and Japan launched into a second day of detailed trade talks on July 7,
covering trade in services, having already reportedly finalized agreements on
trade of material goods. Once comprehensive agreements are reached, which
reportedly should happen soon, Japan
will become the first of the Group of Seven nations to formalize bilateral
trade treaties with China in preparations for China's
World Trade Organization (WTO) accession bid. This comes as no surprise, as Japan has
been quite vocal in its support for Chinese entry into the WTO and the
concomitant freer access to Chinese markets. Japan's
motives for supporting China's WTO bid are clear. What is less obvious are the motives
underlying China's bid.
The apparent prima fascia reason for joining
is, of course, economic benefit. WTO membership would free China
from annually seeking normal trade relations with the U.S. It
would theoretically make China's
economy more attractive to foreign investment, and make bilateral trade easier.
But it would also throw a great deal of China's economy out of Beijing's
control, opening China to unbuffered market pressures
that would likely intensify social stresses while eliminating tools with which
the government could combat those stresses. At the same time, there are no
guarantees that China's economy, once open, would see a flood of new investment and
purchasing - certainly not immediately. And the immediate social stresses
generated by an open economy may in fact discourage investment.
The WTO does not represent the difference
between no trade and dynamic trade. It represents the difference between some
trade, filtered through state imposed buffers, and an economy at the mercy of
the markets. China is well aware of this, and has demonstrated a fundamental
unwillingness to make the structural economic changes required by the WTO
accession process by applying to join as a developing economy, which would
abrogate many of these requirements.
To a lesser degree, WTO membership is also
a political issue. The WTO is the only major global organization without
Chinese representation since China
re-entered the international community. Membership means final acceptance of China as
a major player on all levels in the international community. There is,
therefore, a symbolic, prestige dimension at work. WTO membership represents
acceptance as a full member of international capitalism. That poses a problem.
To what extent does China's leadership - and who among that leadership - want to be a member
of the international capitalist community, at least at this moment in history?
China's WTO membership bid is also an internal matter. Prime Minster Zhu Rongji is committed to attaining WTO membership, as much
for the process of achieving membership as for actually reaching that goal. The
process of seeking membership provides an opportunity to control China's
economic agenda and, with every preliminary bilateral trade agreement, to
incrementally reform the Chinese economy. To join the WTO, an applicant must
complete bilateral trade agreements with every current member. These agreements
allow for a gradual economic reform process, as monetary and trade policies are
brought into alignment with international norms to satisfy each new prospective
trading partner. These agreements and treaties represent a formalized road to
economic reform for those who are inclined to do so. Rather than fighting
conservative elements in the party for each new change, Zhu Rongji
and China's reformists have found a formal and institutionalized process that
achieves the same ends. By establishing WTO membership as a national goal, Zhu
is able to maintain control of China's
economic agenda and to frame gradual economic reforms as necessary for China's
global economic relations.
For the Chinese leaders who rate social and
political stability and state control above economic reform, including
President Jiang Zemin and
National People's Congress head Li Peng, the WTO
accession represents a creeping destabilizing force. Their goal is to either
force a quick acceptance of China
without substantial economic reforms or to torpedo the process altogether. To
achieve the former, China's conservatives have pushed for admission into the WTO as a
developing nation, bypassing many of the reforms on the road to WTO admission.
In addition, by leveraging the United States' bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade, as well as other recent American diplomatic stumbles, China's
conservatives may be attempting pressure the WTO into fast-tracking its
accession and bypassing many of the difficult and costly reforms. The rumor
that Zhu was being forced out for failing to win China
membership in the WTO may have also been generated to pressure the WTO for
early and lenient acceptance of China.
Developing nation accession would delay foreign access to currently protected
Chinese markets by several years, allowing a slow, gradual economic evolution.
Chinese conservatives also used the bombing
to delay trade negotiations with the U.S.
Since China must make trade agreements with America
to complete the application process, the effect was to delay WTO accession. By
derailing WTO accession talks and delaying the process until after upcoming
global trade talks, the full accession procedure could be delayed several
years, effectively halting the reform process and retaining central control of
the economy.
Whether winning a hasty and lenient
acceptance of China in the WTO or delaying the process indefinitely, the conservatives
will have won a significant victory. By joining the WTO without passing through
the gradual bilateral reform process, Beijing will be in
a position to withstand further external reform pressures and will have taken
the high ground away from reformists. Currently, the inertia of Chinese public
policy is propelling the nation towards WTO accession, and the easiest path is
through the bilateral negotiation procedure. If the process could be sped up or
effectively halted, those working for reform would have lost the major impetus
that provided significant support from all facets of the government. Zhu and
the reformers in the Chinese government have a narrow path to walk, then. They
want WTO accession to proceed as quickly as possible, but they must take care
that the accession process not be shortened too much. Membership in the WTO is
an honest goal for China, but it is the process of joining that is most important, and it is
the process that will either generate the most reforms or deny them for years
to come.
Rather than attracting foreign investment,
Zhu's scheme highlighted just how desperate China's
market reformers had become. On top of this, Zhu had earlier announced a new
three-year plan, whereby state-owned enterprises were to increase efficiency to
a specified point by the end of three years or face closure. For the hardline faction, led by Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Zhu's latest schemes
had gone just too far. The plan to close inefficient state-owned enterprises,
while in the long run possibly a prudent economic move, would just as likely
trigger a wave of unemployment and the ensuing social upheaval that Jiang has worked strongly to contain. Another massive rise
in unemployment from state firms would also further tax the state budget, which
is already unable to keep up with pension payments for its unemployed and
retired workers. And given that Zhu not only failed to gain China's
entry into the vaunted WTO, but also had to resort to an unchecked and
artificial rise in the Chinese stock market in hopes of winning foreign
interest in a clearly declining Chinese economy, his credibility may be finally
running out. The rumors of Zhu's resignation, rather than being pure
speculation, may instead have been a way for the hardliners to send a warning
to the reformers.
Jiang has worked intensely throughout this year to ensure social
stability in China. As China's economic troubles have worsened and become more apparent,
however, it has been harder for Zhu to promote more economic openness and
reforms in the face of the growing economic decline. Clearly Zhu has run out of
ideas on how to generate painless market reforms. Painless reforms are almost
an oxymoron anyway. But with Zhu's economic experiments reaching the end of
their service life, Beijing must make a critical decision. Either it moves ahead with reforms,
acknowledging that they will generate pain, hoping that it can contain the
ensuing unrest, or it must move quickly to consolidate what economic gains have
been made, impose a new economic and political order, and place blame for China's
current economic and social turmoil.
Considering the response to Zhu's recent
stock market gambit, it appears that a decision on future economic strategy and
blame laying may have been made. As far as Jiang is concerned, if Zhu can't do better than a
fabricated stock market rally and an economic strategy promising future
layoffs, maybe it is time for a new economic strategy, and strategist. The
rumors of Zhu's dismissal and the intervention in the stock market may well be
omens of the future as the hardliners move to regain control over China's
economic policy.